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Implicit and Aging Discussion

Implicit and Aging Discussion

Q Implicit Bias & Aging Disc. - Discussion Group 1 From Spring 2021 SOCI 443-70 21012 11 unread reply.11 reply. You've learned that there are stereotypes and negative attitudes about aging and older adults in the lesson and text. But, where do these come from? One might argue these stereotypes continue because of implicit biases, which are attitudes, stereotypes, and beliefs that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions. These are the unconscious mental shortcuts that often lead to bias, that is, we don't engage them intentionally, but nonetheless, they impact our thoughts and behavior in biased ways. If you aren't familiar with or want to refresh your understanding of implicit bias, please watch this short video (Links to an external site.). You'll be working with a small group of students to discuss implicit bias and aging. You don't need to do anything, you've been placed into a group and can only see your group member's contributions (after you post). For your post (click the reply button below), take a moment to visit Harvard's Project Implicit (Links to an external site.). After selecting to proceed (bottom of the page), take the aging test. Discuss your results, why do you think they are accurate/inaccurate, and what social interactions or experiences might have influenced them. How do you think this bias might inform your behavior and or attitudes toward older adults? If you have any, please ask questions about the test and/or aging biases. Posts are due by Wednesday. For your peer replies (click the reply button in the author's post), engage in a constructive, critical discussion about the implicit biases of aging. How do your peers' results compare/contrast with yours? What conclusions can you draw about aging biases? What other thoughts or reflections have you had about this topic? Replies are due by Saturday. TIP...Instead of "I agree with your thoughts on that..." type of statements that repeat what the author has said, try to elaborate and add to the conversation. For example "You are definitely onto something. Photograph y is another example of your point because..." or "That's an interesting observation. I noticed that photograph x and y seem to contradict the stereotype that older folks are deteriorating--I'm not sure I could do a cartwheel and I'm much younger than the woman in the photo!"

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I just took the aging test and I actually enjoyed it a lot. It was very interesting and thought provoking too. It helped me to understand how my mind works when there are so many factors involved. I got the result that I have got a strong automatic preference for Young people over Old people which is exactly how I am.